Deanna C.
Private tutor in Brooklyn, NY
Hamilton College - Bachelors, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
I graduated from NESCAC liberal arts high school and then later from Hamilton College. I am now working at a genetics lab and my role is a research assistant. I have worked with other students and fellow classmates. The many people I've worked with come from a variety of backgrounds and have their own unique experiences. I often teach middle and high school level students. I also have experience working as a teacher's assistant while in college. I helped with Math, Philosophy, and Biochemistry courses. I enjoy working with others and helping them with their needs. I can help you work through the more challenging questions and topics so that it's less stressful.Some of the topics that I've helped others with include Pre-Calculus, English, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Writing. I can also help individuals prepare for exams, such as the ACT and AP course tests. I enjoy yoga, running, and Pilates. I also like to read.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
20 miles at my regular hourly rate
Running, yoga, pilates, SUP, reading
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