Sara F.
Private tutor in Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn College - BFA, Creative Writing , CUNY Hunter College - MFA, Creative Writing (poetry)
As someone who is passionate about writing, I love to help students with their writing skills, reading, phonics, literature, grammar, and English. I can also tutor American history and social studies. I can even help people improve their public speaking skills. I received my degree in Creative Writing from Brooklyn College. After earning my undergraduate degree, I further pursued my passion for writing at CUNY Hunter College and received my master's in Creative Writing with a focus on poetry. I'm currently working as a college instructor. I have strong writing skills and I will help any student hone their writing and researching skills. I am able to effectively and concisely demonstrate to students ways in which they can become stronger learners. I look forward to meeting new students and helping them develop confidence in themselves! When I'm not writing or tutoring I enjoy reading interesting books, spending time outdoors, and walking my dog.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
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Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
Reading, being outdoors, spending time with my dog.
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